Hormone Management

Hormones are the messengers of your body. They travel to tissues and organs in the bloodstream and work overtime to complete certain processes or tasks. Several glands, organs, and tissues make and release hormones that make up your endocrine system. Hormones are essential for your health and your life.

Hormones control different body processes, including:

A few hormones go a long way. However, minor changes in hormone levels can cause significant changes to your body and lead to conditions that require treatment.

Hormone management is medical care that regulates your hormone levels and reduces symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Hormone management is a treatment that adds, blocks, or removes

hormones for certain conditions, such as menopause; hormone therapy means hormones are given to adjust low hormone levels. 

Menopause indicates the end of menstrual cycles. Usually, after you have gone 12 months without a menstrual period, you are considered to have gone through menopause. Menopause often occurs in your 40s or 50s. It is a natural biological process. Primary physical symptoms include:

The complications of menopausal consider heart and blood vessel or cardiovascular disease. When estrogen levels decline, your risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Make sure you get regular exercise, eat healthily, and maintain a normal weight.

steoporosis, or a condition that causes bones to become brittle, is a symptom of menopause. During the few years after menopause, you may lose bone density rapidly, and you may be susceptible to fractures of the hips, wrists, and spines.

Urinary incontinence is a problem that causes frequent, sudden, or strong urges to urinate followed by an involuntary loss of urine. You will also lose urine when coughing, laughing, or lifting.

Sexual function decreases due to decreased moisture, loss of elasticity, and discomfort. In addition, the deceased sensation often reduces your desire for sexual activity.

Weight gain is often a problem during the menopausal transition and after menopause. Weight gain is because your metabolism slows, and you may need to eat less and exercise more.

Many effective treatments are available to help adjust your lifestyle and live a more comfortable life.

Menopause treatments focus on relieving signs and symptoms and preventing or managing chronic conditions that often occur with aging. Estrogen therapy is an effective treatment in the lowest dose and for the shortest time frame needed to help provide relief. You may also need progestin. In addition, estrogen helps prevent bone loss, but it also has some risks. Talk to your provider about the pros and cons of estrogen therapy.

Low-dose antidepressants may decrease menopausal hot flashes. In addition, low-dose antidepressants may be useful for those women who cannot take estrogen or need an antidepressant for mood disorders.

Gabapentin can treat hot flashes. The drug can also be useful for women who cannot use estrogen therapy and those who have nighttime hot flashes.

Clonidine is typically used to treat high blood pressure and may provide relief for hot flashes.

You may also be prescribed a medication to prevent osteoporosis. You may also need a vitamin D supplement to help strengthen your bones.